Apple final cut pro x certification training prep class and exam free -

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- Apple final cut pro x certification training prep class and exam free


Control-click or right-click an item. An Event is similar to a folder that holds video clips, audio clips, and still images. Each Event in the Event Library refers to a folder on a connected disk that contains the original source media files, any related render files, and a database file that tracks where everything is.

When you import or record into Final Cut Pro , the source media files are stored in Events. In the Event Browser, move your pointer from one side of the clip thumbnail to the other. The skimmer travels as you move through the thumbnail, and the clip appears in the Viewer.

Set the Duration Slider to All. The Spacebar and the L key. The Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys. In the Event Browser, click the Clip Appearance button.

In the Clip Appearance pop-up, deselect Show Waveforms. Press Comm and -H to hide the application, and press Comm and -Q to quit the application. Ten items from this lesson are included in the pool of Level One exam questions; three items from this lesson are included in the pool of Associate-level exam questions.

However, the Associate Level Exam does not include any of the keyboard shortcuts used in this lesson. Lesson Two review questions After completing Lesson Two, you should be able to answer the following questions.

How do you create a new Event? How do you import media files into an Event? What happens if you select the Find People option when importing media?

How would you automatically identify a clip that displays excessive shaking from a h and held camera? What are the advantages to transcoding your media files? How do you set importing options if you want to drag media files directly from the Finder or another application to an Event?

How do you create a Keyword Collection when importing clips from a specific folder? What are the four ways to access the Import From Camera window? Why would you want to create a camera archive as a backup? The Find People option analyzes images and creates Keyword Collections based on the number of people present and the shot type.

In the toolbar, click the Inspector button. Click the Video tab in the Inspector and select the box next to Balance to enable the color balance effect. Final Cut Pro will perform a stabilization analysis and apply a keyword to any clip with excessive shaking. To import without using the Import comm and , you set the specific import options before you import. At the top of the Preferences window, click the Import button and set your options.

This is the default option. A camera archive frees your camera or capture media for reuse, preserves and protects your media for future use, and helps preserve the data structure used by your camera to make it easier to store and access your files. Eight items from this lesson are included in the pool of Level One exam questions; five items from this lesson are included in the pool of Associate-level exam questions. Lesson Three review questions After completing Lesson Three, you should be able to answer the following questions.

In the Event Browser, what is indicated by a horizontal purple or blue line across the top of a clip? Name three methods that allow you to add a keyword to one or more clips. How do you add a keyword to only the selected clip range?

How do you delete a keyword from one or more clips? Describe how to add a note to a clip in the Event Browser. How do you view only those clips that were rated as Favorites? How do you rate a clip? What is the difference between a Keyword Collection and a Smart Collection?

How do you create a Smart Collection? A purple line indicates that a clip received a keyword during analysis; a blue line indicates that a keyword was applied to a clip.

Then type your keyword, and press Return. If you created a keyword shortcut, you can select clips and press the shortcut. Then use one of the three available methods to add a keyword.

In the Event Browser, select a range for one or more clips. Select a clip, click in the Note column field in the Event Browser, enter your text, and press Return.

In the Event Library, select the Events you want to search. Choose Favorites from the Filter pop-up menu at the top of the Event Browser. In the Event Browser, select one or more clips.

Click the Favorite button in the toolbar, or press the F key, or click the Reject button in the toolbar, or press the Delete key. In the Event Browser, a green line appears at the top of favorite frames and a red line appears at the top of rejected frames. A Smart Collection gathers all clips that match multiple search criteria. Unlike Keyword Collections, which are text based, Smart Collections can be based on camera metadata, such as frame rate or size.

Clips can be assigned to multiple Keyword Collections and Smart Collections. Select an Event and use the Filter window to search for clips based on specified criteria. In the Filter window, click the New Smart Collection button. A new, untitled Smart Collection appears in the Event Library. Type a name for the Smart Collection, and press Return. In the search field, enter the clip name. Only clips with matching text in their names or notes will appear in the list. Seven items from this lesson are included in the pool of Level One exam questions; seven items from this lesson are included in the pool of Associate-level exam questions.

Lesson Four review questions After completing Lesson Four, you should be able to answer the following questions. What methods can you use to create a new project? What four different methods allow you to edit clips into your project? What is an append edit? How can you zoom in or out of an area of the Timeline?

How do you change the display size of the clips in the Timeline? How can you view a list of all clips in the project in the Timeline? How can you mute specific audio tracks for a clip in the Timeline? Why would you want to select the Duplicate Pro ject and Referenced Events option when duplicating a project?

How can you toggle snapping on or off? When you drag clips to rearrange their positions in the Timeline, what visual indicator shows where the clip will be positioned when you release the mouse button?

How would you connect music or B-roll to the primary storyline in your Timeline? To create an edit, click an edit button in the toolbar; choose an editing comm and from the Edit menu, such as Append; press a keyboard shortcut; drag a clip from the Event Browser, from a media browser such as the Photos Browser, or from the Finder. An append edit adds one or more clips to the end of a project or storyline. You can also zoom in and out by dragging the Zoom control in the lower right of the Timeline.

Click the Clip Appearance button in the lower-right corner of the Timeline. In the Clip Appearance window, drag the Clip Height slider to the left to decrease the clip height, or to the right to increase the clip height. In the lower-left corner of the Timeline, click the Timeline Index button, or press Comm and -Shift The Timeline Index pane appears to the left of the Timeline and displays clips and tags such as keywords used in the current project in their order of appearance.

Position your pointer over the volume line in the Timeline. When the pointer turns into a vertical resize pointer, drag down to lower the volume or drag up to raise it. To facilitate your adjustments, turn on audio waveforms in the Clip Appearance window. Audio that approaches peak levels appears yellow in the waveform; audio that exceeds peak levels appears red. Select the clip in the Timeline, click the Inspector button in the toolbar, and then click the Audio tab and deselect the appropriate tracks.

You would select this option when you want to copy the project and all of the source clips in the associated Events to another hard disk. A blue insertion line indicates where clips will be placed. Position the playhead in the Timeline where you want to connect one or more clips. Select the clips in the Event Browser. In the toolbar, click the Connect button, or press Q. A blue insertion line in the Timeline indicates the connection point. Four items from this lesson are included in the pool of Level One exam questions; three items from this lesson are included in the pool of Associate-level exam questions.

Lesson Five review questions After completing Lesson Five, you should be able to answer the following questions. How can you add a marker to the Timeline and name it?

How do you move to a specific marker in the Timeline? How do you move a connection line for a clip that is connected to the primary storyline without moving the clip? How do you create a to-do market in the Timeline? How does an overwrite edit differ from a replace edit? How do you create an audition in the Timeline? How do you utilize the audition feature? How do you create a new storyline that is connected to your primary storyline? Double-click a marker to rename it. In the Marker pop-up window, enter a name in the Text field, and click Done.

Alternatively, press Option-M to create a marker and open the Marker window in one step. In the lower-left corner of the Timeline window, click the Timeline index button. In the Timeline index, click Tags then click the Markers button. Skim to the desired location in the Timeline and Comm and - Option-click to move the connection line.

Skim to the desired location in the Timeline, press Option-M. The to-do marker appears red on the clip. Drag a clip from the Event Browser to the clip that you want to replace. When the clip receives a white outline and a green circle with a plus sign appears, release the clip. From the shortcut menu, choose Replace. An overwrite edit overwrites one or more clips in a storyline, starting at a range selection start point or at the playhead or skimmer position.

Use an overwrite edit when you want to edit media for a specific span of time. No clips ripple, so the project duration remains the same. In contrast to overwrite edits, replacing only works on whole Timeline clips and can change the project duration. Drag a clip from the Event Browser to a clip in the Timeline that you want to include in the audition.

When the clip highlights with a white outline and a green circle with a plus sign appears, release the clip. In the shortcut menu, choose Add to Audition. A small spotlight icon in the clip name area indicates that the clip is part of an audition. To add additional clips, simply repeat this process. Click the Audition spotlight icon to open the Audition window.

Press the Right or Left Arrow keys to switch to the next alternate clip, and skim through its thumbnail display. Continue to press the Left or Right Arrow keys to switch to alternate audition clips. Select the clips that you want to include in the new Storyline, Right-click the selection, and from the shortcut menu, choose Create Storyline, or press Comm and -G.

Two items from this lesson are included in the pool of Level One exam questions; four items from this lesson are included in the pool of Associate-level exam questions. Lesson Six review questions After completing Lesson Six, you should be able to answer the following questions. How do you remove a single clip from the Timeline without leaving a gap? How do you insert a gap clip into the Timeline to act as a placeholder? How do you choose the Range Selection tool to select a range in the Timeline?

What happens when you ripple trim the outgoing clip by dragging to the right? Which two sets of shortcut keys allow you to adjust edit points one frame and ten frames at a time? Which two edit points does a roll trim adjust? What happens when you slip a clip? Which clips are altered when you slide a clip, and how are they affected? How do you open the Precision Editor to see an exp and ed view of the clips on either side of the edit point as well as the clip h and les?

How do you view the detailed trimming feedback? The selected clip is removed from the Timeline and any clips to the right of the selection ripple to close the region.

A three-second gap clip is inserted into the Timeline by default, and you can trim its duration. From the Tools pop-up menu, choose Range Selection, or press R. Then drag in the Timeline to make your selection. The duration change ripples outward, moving all subsequent clips earlier or later in the Timeline. Dragging to the right lengthens the outgoing clip, so clips to the right of the edit ripple accordingly and increase the project duration.

Press Shift-. A slip trim adjusts the Start and End points of a single clip without changing the duration of the project. Sliding affects the position of the middle clip, and the duration of the two surrounding clips. You change only its location in the project. In the toolbar, from the Tools pop-up menu, choose the Select tool or Trim tool and double-click the edit point you want to trim in the Timeline.

Alternatively, select an edit point and press Control-E. The two-up display appears in the Viewer when you use a supported edit type or trim in the Precision Editor.

Five items from this lesson are included in the pool of Level One exam questions; three items from this lesson are included in the pool of Associate-level exam questions. Lesson Seven review questions After completing Lesson Seven, you should be able to answer the following questions.

Name three ways to apply a cross dissolve video transition. If you want to apply the same transition to all clips in your project, what must you do first? If you want to add a transition without changing the duration of your project, what must you do before adding the transition? How can you adjust the duration of a transition in the Timeline? How can you delete all transitions of the same type? How do you change a parameter in the Transition Inspector? How can you copy a transition from one edit point to another?

How do you create a compound clip in the Timeline? Alternatively, select an edit point, click the Transitions Browser button, and double—click the Cross Dissolve thumbnail in the Dissolves category. Learn techniques for media management, audio editing, color grading, and more in this deep-dive series designed for pros. Follow along with popular YouTuber iJustine, as she teaches you her complete workflow for creating and delivering videos using Final Cut Pro. Master the process of video encoding.

Learn how to create custom presets, use droplets to save time, and leverage distributed processing with other Mac computers on your network. Learn advanced motion graphics techniques including working with particle emitters, replicators and cameras, as well as how to rig and publish your compositions to Final Cut Pro. Learn useful tips and tricks to make you faster and more proficient in Final Cut Pro and Motion.

Get the most out of the ability of Final Cut Pro to track titles, logos, effects, and more — in a wide variety of tracking scenarios. Learn how to quickly create stunning motion graphics using the unique and powerful Behaviors in Motion. Instructor Nick Harauz helps you get up and running, cut a story, mix audio, and deliver a final project.

Learn advanced visual effects and compositing techniques from Simon Ubsdell using Motion. His conversational style, in-depth techniques, and extensive resources help media pros find work, improve their skills, and keep clients happy. Learn tips and tricks designed for the beginning editor and experienced professional. Free high-quality and professional Motion 5 training from Stanislaw Robert Luberda.

Learn the basics of animation using Behaviors and Keyframes, and go further with lessons covering rigging and publishing titles, effects, and transitions in Final Cut Pro. David Austin leads you through over easy to understand tutorials for Final Cut Pro — allowing editors to master the program at their own pace. An interactive part course on video production made specifically for small businesses and nonprofits, presented by David A. Proven feature-film techniques from Michael Matzdorff, first assistant editor on the Warner Bros.

Take full advantage of the deep features in Motion. Final Cut Pro X features a trackless magnetic timeline that allows clips to automatically slide into position. Final Cut Pro X is a revolutionary app for creating, editing, and producing the highest-quality video.

Final Cut Pro combines high-performance digital editing and native support for virtually any video format with easy-to- use and time-saving features that let you focus on storytelling. The course on Final Cut Pro X from Koenig Solutions offers an active interface for editing videos that will allow students to explore liberally whilst keeping speed and precision.

Final Cut Pro X Training at koenig will teach about the various editing methods that assist users in simplifying their workflow and carry out editing tasks efficiently. This is a Rare Course and it can be take up to 3 weeks to arrange the training. Start Time : At any time. If you think 8 hours is too fast, we can offer Comfort Track for 16 hours Enquire Now!

Do you have limited Window for training? Can you only spend 4-hours per day? Do you want to start training immediately? If your answer is yes to any one of the above, you need 1-on Training.

New Certification Insurance. Certificate Insurance 2 nd Shot Free. Instant Knowledge. Other students can be merged. You will be the only student in the class. Week Days. Start Time : At any time 12 AM.

Select Time Zone. Training Schedule:. Enquire Now! Logic Pro X Mac Integration Basics Subscribe me to your Newsletter. Trending Technologies Fundamentals. System Administration. Operating System OS.

Application Development. Mobile Technologies. Apple Pro Apps. Add Name and Email Address of participant If different from you. Request a call back? Privacy Policy. Submit Processing. No, the published fee includes all applicable taxes. Yes, we do. What does the fee include? The Fee includes: Courseware. What is the difference between Group Training and 1-on-1? Schedule for Group Training is decided by Koenig. Schedule for 1-on-1 is decided by you. What is the advantage of 1-on-1 if there can be other students?

In 1-on-1 you can select your own schedule, other students can be merged but you select the schedule. Choose 1-on-1 if published schedule do not meet your requirement.


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